Class of ’68 Classmates

We are collecting contact information for all 1968 graduates.

We send occasional emails to the list of classmates we have. If you have not been receiving these emails, use the contact form on this site to send us your current contact information, especially a working email address.

We are in the process of locating some classmates for whom we do not have contact information such as an email address. Check the list below and let us know if you have information or a working email address for anyone who is missing.

Missing Classmates

John Apone

Arthur Bergeron

Frank Buczel

Paul Capello

Ernest Chiasson

Mary Cincotta (Bennett)

Thomas Clancy

Kenneth Crossman

Brian Delaney

Mary Dunne Hatch

Lawrence Halloran

John Jackson

Frederick Marchal

Karen Peterson Tahmoush

Paul Przyjemski

Kathleen Short